The Hypothesis, Circa 2018 ” The genders shall be at war, if there’s no fraternising between the enemies. “
This is quite a reversal of a Kissinger quote, “Nobody Will Ever Win the Battle of the Sexes. There’s Too Much Fraternizing with the Enemy”
#MeToo has been a valiant campaign, in a way liberating for many, who have lived with the feeling of Victimisation far too long. Weinstein saga deserves to come to an end, and rightfully so.
But, I sometimes wonder if we are looking at this through too narrow a lens, from the classical construct of ‘Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood’. Doesn’t this itself bring to forth our #Implicit #Biases, of who we consider the perpetrator and the Villain or who we colour as a Victim.
We at ProventusHR have been studying gender issues at workplace in the backdrop of our program #WE #Women #Empowerment, and #Implicit #Bias.
And the solution definitely does not lie in the current conventional approach of #DnI #Diversity and #Inclusion efforts.
The Weinsteins shall continue to flourish by other names, feeding like pagan high priests, playing on the same insecurities and apprehensions, of and off the offerings made to them on the pedestal of correcting diversity (sic), through myopic cosmetic interventions. Nothing changes, #MeTooV2.0
The true empowerment is long term effort, true sensitivity and appreciation being the basis of intervention (not imposed inclusion and diversity road-shows), and a subtle yet founded in the deeper understanding of PRIMAL Human Nature, at the core of any such design.
Yes, PRIMAL because many of our behaviours at a subconscious level are triggered from the part of our brain, which the ‘Nice Egalitarian Civilised’ world expects us to DENY. And we often fail gloriously…
It was refreshing to see these two articles today…With an open mind. Read both not as a defining posturing in any ways, but more as a commentory that gives greater insights into how and whys, how the words therein expose the biases, stereotypes and the fact, that approaching the issue with cosmetic knee-jerk responses ain’t gonna help any long term organisational sustainability.