Leadership Excellence through Awareness & Practice
Bringing together the best of #ExperienceLearning & Leadership Coaching
8 out of 10 managers are promoted to leadership positions based on seniority and/or current performance
25% of organisations say less than 10% of critical leadership positions have ready successors.
Only 15% of organisations have fully implemented leadership development at all stages
71% of companies feel their managers are not equipped to lead the company into future
40% of new managers fail within 18 months of their new position
The benefits of a world-class leadership development program
37% higher revenue per employee
9% higher gross margin
5x more likely to be highly effective at anticipating and responding to change
more leaders identifying & developing more likely to be highly effective at 10x
"Leaders are made like anything else
through hard work & discipline"
A single or a series of disjointed interventions (however well meaning & designed), do not lead to a significant change in leadership behaviours.
Leadership is like any other, a skill that needs to be purposefully practiced in order to get better at it. One has to occupy a conscious 360° mind-share of the participants during this developmental journey and beyond.
Our signature LEAP (Leadership Excellence through Awareness & Practice) capability development journey builds on the power of #LeadershipCoaching while taking the participants through a carefully curated, highly immersive-reflective #ExperienceLearning.
The 6-9 - months journey focusses on enabling the participants to develop capabilities to prepare them for the next level of leadership behaviours.
This experiential learning journey brings together the best of #ExperienceLearning & #LeadershipCoaching, and is designed to meet the unique developmental needs of leaders through a 360° multi modular and multi touchpoint intervention that takes the participants through various elements and modes of learning, including:
The design incorporates the following salient features:
Pre & Post Assessments ( 360º Feedback or Psychometrics)
Periodic Self Assessment Inventories
360º Multi-Sensory Modular Learning Approach
Facilitated Experience- Immersion and Reflection #ExperienceLearning
P@L - Enlisting Partners@Learning for FeedForward
A strong Emphasis on RISES Action Learning (Behaviours that I will Reduce, Increase, Start, Excel, Stop)
6-9 Structured Leadership Coaching Sessions
ATM - 24x7 Connect with the Journey mentor