DO NOT READ THIS, if you believe Women don’t make Good Leaders!!

Question: Have you ever wondered that despite our best efforts…

· How the Diversity & Inclusion efforts in our organizations, more often than not fail to go beyond just numbers?

· Why do Diversity & Inclusion initiatives not translate into effective sustainable change?

· Why are Global Organizations that lead the D&I effort disbanding their Diversity Efforts and revamping the approach?

· Over 48% of Women executives drop-out of active careers between Junior & Middle levels. Very few come back.

· Only 17% Indian Women in Senior Leadership roles against a global average of 29%.

· Is enough being done to Empower & Promote diversity sustenance at workplace?

· How to see more women growing internally in Middle and Senior Leadership roles?

· Is there an aspirational deficit in Women? Or a fear surfeit for leadership challenges?

· Why can a Woman not take pride in being a Woman leader? Rather than to have to be more than a man.

Improving Gender Diversity at work is an urgent business priority and is no longer optional. Nurturing Diversity is critical to unlocking the collective creativity and best thinking in teams.

The tiny seed knew that in order to grow, it needed to be dropped in dirt, covered in darkness, and struggle to reach the light.

~ Sandra Kring

We studied the above disturbing questions, with our unique approach, involving principles of organisation development, sociology, psychology and ‘Behavioural Agronomy’, and asked ourselves, if the ‘seed (to lead)’ is within our women, then what prevents her from blossoming.

The answer lies somewhere beyond current approach of looking at D&I as numbers and events. ProventusHR, offers a comprehensive andragogic approach to ‘Women Empowerment’, that forms the bedrock to fueling aspirations and overcoming fears, challenges stereotypes and channels passion & potential.

A leaking women leadership pipeline is a perennial concern that needs immediate redressal. Despite multiple steps being taken within each organization, the problem remains and needs to be dealt by empowering the women and making them excited and willing to take up important leadership roles and opportunities.

It has been observed that High Potential women at mid leadership level, capable of moving to the next level, a lot of times give up their aspiration due to multiple environmental challenges such as –

1. Not being able to leverage the unique strengths of being a woman to their advantage

2. Not being able to go past the invisible glass ceiling

3. Not being aware of the areas that they need to focus on for sustaining and meeting the corporate expectations

4. Low self-esteem as they are perceived differently by their peers and expected to behave like the men leaders in the organization

5. The pressure of multi-tasking between home and office.

6. The sociological challenge of not being able to garner the support of their family while they decide to pursue their ambition.

7. Culturally they are expected to be the family caregiver and give up their career post assuming motherhood responsibilities or as and when the need arises in the family

Women Empower is a unique leadership program designed for the aspiring Women Leaders of your organization who need some guidance and coaching to move up the corporate ladder. The program is designed with the objective of –

· Unleashing the potential of the women associates

· Rekindle the passion to contribute towards organizational goals

· Build greater awareness of female behavior, thinking and their unique strengths

· Enable the women leaders to aspire high, create and pursue goals and get passionate about their work

· Rekindle the passion to live a meaningful life

· Discovering and developing authentic leadership style

· Learning the skill to initiate conversations with their immediate and extended families to provide support as they make mindful choice of staying in the corporate world.


Post the program, women associates will have –

· The passion and the will of pursuing their ambitions

· More Willing to contribute towards their own progress and in organization’s growth.

· They would be more confident of having conversations with their families to get the support needed in their journey towards fulfillment and excellence.

Lessons from Movies, a Series by ProventusHR:

Innovative & Exciting way to

LEARN, Using Movie Storyline, engage the participants to review and reflect on their existence in a corporate environment, and learn long-lasting lessons for life.