So he had a Party

First Published on January 25, 2017 on LinkedIn

Vijay Shekhar Sharma, a middle class, small town in UP, Hindi medium educated, DCE boy, who struggles through, to set up a Billion $ company in the Big Bad world of Cut-throat Start-Ups and swam the seas infested with PE sharks. In NOIDA. He is only 37 years old. And these are not the mitigating factors, not in the least.

He arrives and makes his presence felt, as the Lady Luck Smiles unabashedly in the form of #Demonitisation.

He is not a Conventional India Inc. type of CEO. No Sirs, he is not a Burra Saheb, or a Suited Seville Row English speaking, Harvard educated (sponsored by Dad), Scotch sipping, Cigar Chewing, Hoity-Toity Club going, Pedigreed CEO from SOBO or the Sainik Farms. (Not that there is anything wrong from prodigies from this strata)

He is #Human, He is #Authentic and He has had a Party! And whatta party…. Man!!

Is it or not, hypocritical of us, to suddenly judge this celebrated poster-boy for being himself, and celebrating the windfall, after years of ignominty, penury, disbelief and hardships? Is it or not, apt for us to be parsimonious?

I went through the Video a few times, slow-mo, rewind-play etc… I could perhaps not gather enough conviction to judge him for that One Big Party of his life…

I remembered, Jesus’ statement

“If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her” John 8.

But more than that, let us celebrate and facilitate #Authentic #Human #Leadership, and release our CXOs from the “Entrapment of the Façade.”